Friday, February 1, 2008

# 1 Terrorists?

What is the difference between a genocidal maniac and a diplomat?
What is the difference between fighting for peace and negotiating a peaceful solution? How can one man be behind so many personal assaults against everything "human" we think we stand for. What if we are not thinking about it enough. In the link to your right "Dalai Lama Renaissance" a speaker says, who were those people that watched the trains go by. The trains full of humans going to concentrations camps. And we all think we would not be one of them. The silent. Just watching as neighbors are railed away in cattle cars to their death.
The speaker asks if "we are not now sitting silently by as people are rolling into mass graves". Serbia, Cambodia (The Killing Fields), South America, Africa, Palestine, Iraq, Tieneman Sq, Timor, Sudan .....blah, blah, blah...too much to pay attention?
We prefer to watch CSI. Individuals graphically shown with their throats cut. Flashbacks to their violent rapes. Speculation about motive, how to's...'Clue', just your average board game in 3d. We call it relaxing, entertainment, fun. Graphic depictions that 10 years ago would have shocked. Personally, I'd rather see a rounded breast. I turn away in horror at the scenes I see on Prime Time T.V., much like folks used to do in past ages at real life photos of Vietnam.
Are we being trained to see the blood and gore depicted to get us used to our future, as a warring nation? What if the movie TOYS, with Robin Williams was right? All toys, tv shows, (gladiators, CSI...) was simply our training ground for perpetual genocide and war? Spooky? I think so.
Far fetched? I just ask you to question your heart. What is it that causes you to find others sorrow and tortures, entertaining and relaxing??
Just ask yourself. and then consider;
Are our governmental representatives for peace, representing respect for the human race. Are we sitting watching the death trains going by as entertainment or are we actively speaking out. Or at the very least, giving 10 minutes of our very concious time. Not a 1 minute prayer as I lay me down to sleep....although a 60 second commercial is higher priced than a 10, hey sound bytes are better than no bites.....I guess.
What if inside every demon there is an angel struggling
to be free

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