Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shayana Kadidal: Senator Lieberman's Latest Constitutional Buffoonery

Unfortunately nothing these days should be brushed aside as ridiculous.  We are the nation that elected George Bush (baby) twice and Sara Palin almost once.   Don't be arrogant about this, the minions are growing stronger and taking power.  This is the country that kidnaps, tortures and gives
multi milllion dollar bonuses to people who have SUNK a company, we seem to take our buffoonery seriously.  Shayana Kadidal: Senator Lieberman's Latest Constitutional Buffoonery

What If 9/11 Never Happened? -- New York Magazine

caught by the twin name of "what if"....skimmed through this article from 2006 which referred to Joe Lieberman as a miserable deluded putz...which made me like the article immediately. if they only knew then....What If 9/11 Never Happened? -- New York Magazine . I've seen one episode of a tv show called "Flash Forward" very quantum for all the what iffers in the world. Hopefull there are herds of Why notters, as the world is very literally going to hell in a handbasket. Peace a Chance? why not and what if?

Rendition Drug

old news that is pertinent today with Afghanistan supplying trillions of dollars in Opium/heroin trade. Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

About Me