Sunday, June 27, 2010

YouTube - Broken windows, burnt cars left by G20 riots in Toronto

1984. there are more policeman taking down peace than on the scene of violence? YouTube - Broken windows, burnt cars left by G20 riots in Toronto: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

YouTube - Palestine Pre-1947

Before the bulldozers YouTube - Palestine Pre-1947

YouTube - The British Mandate for Palestine - In 5 Minutes

YouTube - The British Mandate for Palestine - In 5 Minutes

SPIEGEL Interview with Author David Grossman: 'Foreigners Cannot Understand the Israelis' Vulnerability' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

"I felt like God, there was nothing that could have stopped me." Israeli soldier crossing into Gaza, 1st infitada. SPIEGEL Interview with Author David Grossman: 'Foreigners Cannot Understand the Israelis' Vulnerability' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

YouTube - Rachel Corrie - Interview

The israeli soldiers refused to call the boat The Rachel Corrie. Instead they called it Linda, it's old painted over name. Rachel was murdered by a bulldozer in Palestine, no one has served jail time, and they won't even grant the respect of saying her name. This is israel. YouTube - Rachel Corrie - Interview

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas' Unfortunate Remarks, Noted Sadly

Helen Thomas' Unfortunate Remarks, Noted Sadly Another one bites the dust. Any Press person who is smart, honest, and know how to think on their feet and then interpret the big picture is getting bumped off one after the other. So sad for America.

Monday, June 7, 2010

US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children' - Telegraph

US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children' - Telegraph

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla | World news | The Guardian

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla World news The Guardian

Exodus 21:13 (NASB) -

Exodus 21:13 (NASB) - interesting rules on slavery by the egyptian jew, Moses. take each rule a line at a time. Are these the rules of a compassionate God, or of a man brought up in a society of men, where slavery was normal. Personal insight rare. Revenge all-pervading. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.....a 'say what???"

George E. Bisharat: Israel Is Committing War Crimes -

old news that is sadly current and highly relevant. we need to learn the old tricks so we can learn some new ones. George E. Bisharat: Israel Is Committing War Crimes - The sins of the fathers will be visited on the sons...until the sons say, I will put a stop to these sins, so my sons will not have to suffer from them.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gerald M. Steinberg: The New War Against Israel -

Gerald M. Steinberg: The New War Against Israel - This article is an example of a scared little people. He is a Political Science teacher, who does not seem to know the history of the United States and the Native Americans....or even the history of the jews in concentration camps, enough to understand that this is a land grab as were many others in history. What does he teach his class? Land is stolen from an entire nation and yet the indians are the terrorists. And he quotes the Israelis who's information has been admitted to be a fake. People love to hate. Mr. Steinberg is one of those people.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Aid Vessel Rachel Corrie to be Confronted by Israeli Navy |

Aid Vessel Rachel Corrie to be Confronted by Israeli Navy |

Jeffrey St. Clair: When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty

Sen. McCains father was put the Liberty in jeopardy and then was part of the coverup. Jeffrey St. Clair: When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty This article colors McNamara as a machine of misinformation and cover-ups in this attack and the Vietnam war. Reminiscent of Rumsfield/Bush the war machine pushes on. They pin medals on dead soldiers so no one will ask question like "Why did they die?" could it have been avoided, did it really make the world safer..... Or was it a bunch of big assed brass playing soldier on the chessboard of life, not caring who lives or dies as long as it isn't them.

Lawrence of Cyberia: Putting Names To Faces

Lawrence of Cyberia: Putting Names To Faces Making it personal. These are the assassinated. Faces and links to more information. Israel might otherwise be know as "Murder Incorporated" USS Liberty. Munich, killing of all the wrong people. Who else have they murdered and no one is telling?

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