Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Bad Day For Democracy

Corporate funding of Politicians http://www.ncpolicywatch.com/ discussion today as Citizens United, through a Supreme Court ruling bring in the opportunity for corporations, in Citizens words "to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security" as Citizens United state as their goal "To restore the founding fathers vision of a free nation, guided by the honesty, common sense, and good will of its citizens". If these are "Christian values" the Christian Science Monitor refers to this ruling as " A Bad Day for Democracy". "SOVEREIGNTY" definition: supreme power, especially over a body politic: controlling influence. Sovereignty this is the word Citizens uses. If we cut and paste; Supreme Power of Corporations? Is this the vision of our founding fathers? I would encourage the investigation of the history of large corporations and their "means" of becoming "large". How we built the United States is at once impressive in it's magnitude and shameful in it's disregard for human life and freedom. What will our future as a nation of rights of the individual become if the mighty power of corporations are allowed to overshadow the voices of the censored many. The "silent majority" some say composed of soccer moms and Nascar dads might or might not research away from Fox news, but they do trust in the system without always questioning. Republican friends of mine are sure that if someone is harassed by the police (i.e.Republican National convention etc), they must have done something wrong. The second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence poetically states:
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it....
And so we allow ourselves the comfortable convenience of being told what to think, how to vote, and who we should consider to be our enemies. And now we put that in the hands of those who get "bailed out" when they screw up , who consider the bottom line by cutting jobs and quality, who withhold medical benefits at will, this is who our Supreme Court has entrusted through the power of money with our sovereignty.
Comments at today's talk: Senator Quinn asks, "how can I gain access to public airways". I thought a grand question as we will will come into the realm of Superbowl ads for Palin for Pres.
Also mentioned was Washington post survey that states 80% of the public are against Corporations funding Politics. Citizens U counter this claim stating another survey which states 67% are for it. does only God know for sure? Another highlight, Washington State has voted to not only have the Sponsor of the ad identified, but also the Top 5 Donors (does anyone stick around for the credits?)
Matching funds and rescue money....better than nothing....who pays for this? seems a lot like "damage control" rather than informing the public about policies. Brenda Wright the main speaker stated that we have a 100 year history of barring corporations from having major influence (although we all know they do have major influence) and asks if the Founding Fathers would consider the corporations to have the same rights as individuals....consider they were willing to go to battle with the corporation of the British Crown, my guess would be not, but it's quite an interesting conversation. I would encourage all to google, bing, or whatever as much information as they have the stomach for, before making the statement "I believe..."

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