Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. appearance at Woodrow Wilson School of Law, Princeton, March 2010.  How can we analyze a Nations motives by those they choose as their negotiators?  What are their backgrounds Gabriela Shalev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To quote Ms. Shalev during her speech; "I AM NOT SPEAKING AS A VERY EDUCATED DIPLOMAT".  In fact her expertise is in corporate law, a branch of law used to find loopholes for large corporations to get what they want.  Not necessarily what is best for humanity at large.

As Ms. Shalev is representative to the U.N. I found it odd that a "diplomat" would publicly show disgust at being seated next to the Ambassador from Lebanon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nawaf_Salam Dr.Nawaf Salam who is, in fact, educated in diplomacy.   In fact she said, You see what I have to deal with.  I always had this child like fantasy that Ambassadors and Diplomats were the tolerant, friendship offering, mediators. Sent forth into this world to dispel intolerance and misunderstandings.   My bad.

For this post I am that hoping anyone out there will consider why Israel has a corporate lawyer in this position as negotiator for the Uniting of Nations rather than a broad thinking Statesman, who's main goal is ethical resolution.  Could it be the related interpretation of diplomacy, linking the meaning to cunning, circumvention, backdoor influence, strategist, crafty wheeling and dealing ? (little help for Mr. Roget).
to be continued

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