Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"IF OUR GOAL IS TO DESTROY PUBLIC EDUCATION IN AMERICA, THIS IS PRECISELY THE RIGHT PATH." On the coat tails of Diane Ravitch's article (linked below) I will add my concern? disbelief? sad resignation? I voted for Obama, for an intelligent, progressive thinking Harvard man. Not someone who would extending the Bush agenda of Dumbing down the education system. And yet this is what Higher Education has taught him. That it is better to continue the legacy of making schools "simpler" so no child can be left behind, than to give a child a broad awareness of a world he is about to encounter. The result of our present school system is that students at Princeton don't know there is a wall in Palestine, and Harvard Presidents don't know anything about good education. The best thing for Corporate America, government control, monopolizing private sector is a dumber America. Hooray for the U, S of A. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DAYS WHEN A GOOD TEACHER WAS ONE WHO TAUGHT YOU TO THINK FOR YOURSELF? To explore other possibilities. To search for more than just what the classroom had to offer? Well bye bye higher education. We have bailed out millionaires, while allowing teachers to be fired, libraries to close. Perhaps if they had been taught ethics, history, and simple social responsibility rather than the simple mathematics of how to get a bonus even though you've sunk a company....perhaps people in 'the greatest nation' would not be jobless, homeless and still thinking the government is daddy always looking out for their best interest. Perhaps we would be a truly great nation made up of truly great thinkers. The Big Idea -- it's bad education policy - Los Angeles Times

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