Friday, April 16, 2010

Israeli "Diplomacy"

Ms. Gabriela Shalev Israel Ambassador to the U.N. Speaks of Terrorism as 'asymetric warfare'. She states that there is 'licit and illicit warfare'. Does Israels use of white phosphorus on civilians involve 'licit' warfare? Gaza War Casualties - Final Tally of 2009 Gaza War Casualties (Facts and Figures) She went on to speak of human sheilds....and 12,000 rockets fired by Gaza. Those rockets were not much more than firecrackers that did in fact kill less than 20 Israelis. Compare that to the 250 children, 960 civilians killed in 22 days by Israel. Not to mention wounded children, women, elderly. Medics fired upon etc. In such a densely populated Ghetto how could a combatant escape the vicinity of civilians I would ask? Ms Shalev indignantly speaks of "at best uncooberated accusations" against Israel. She says "they confuse the language to demonize Israel" and how "our army is so dear to us". She speaks of the doctor who was killed by "Friendly Fire" and of "self introspection. And the the 'diplomat' Shalev states "The General assembly is always, always against Israel" I believe she said "mainly liberals" (she has a thick accent) and at this point made quotes with her hands. She says these things with an air of indignation. On being questioned by a student on the Goldstone Report and how it was eventually voted against, although an independent study. Shalev stated "The Moral Minority was against the Goldstone Resolution" and that is should not be in NYC. When asked about settlements in Jerusalem, she stated ' Jerusalem was never on the table, it will always be a part of Israel" When I referred to her saying we are demonized due to "uncorroborated evidence" and how can there be corroberated evidence if you do not allow the press in.......her response was "We have looked around the world and decided War Is Not A Place for Press". I gave a gasping involuntary outburst throwing my hands up in a gesture of 'what the heyyyy?'. And she did sigh in resignation that it might not be the best answer. But I assumed it was the answer agreed upon by the powers that be, and after all she is corporate lawyer mouthpiece of her country. I forget the question but a response was about how after these 'wars' there is a Special Compound set up by Israel in order to tackle grievances about how the military behaved. Interestingly enough these testimonies are heard by the military. Fox - Hen house ring a bell? All in all she seems to feel that Israel is the only country who knows Diplomacy and therefore states that in order to negotiate there must be "No preconditions". hmmmm 'illegal settlements'......guess they would no longer exist?

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