Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why Pollard Should Never Be Released (The Traitor)

Why Pollard Should Never Be Released (The Traitor): "- Spying for Israel, damage persistent and severe. Israel can Raid Tunisia and we won't have a clue. They know all our secrets. sounds like blackmail fodder to me.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

YouTube - Broken windows, burnt cars left by G20 riots in Toronto

1984. there are more policeman taking down peace than on the scene of violence? YouTube - Broken windows, burnt cars left by G20 riots in Toronto: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

YouTube - Palestine Pre-1947

Before the bulldozers YouTube - Palestine Pre-1947

YouTube - The British Mandate for Palestine - In 5 Minutes

YouTube - The British Mandate for Palestine - In 5 Minutes

SPIEGEL Interview with Author David Grossman: 'Foreigners Cannot Understand the Israelis' Vulnerability' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

"I felt like God, there was nothing that could have stopped me." Israeli soldier crossing into Gaza, 1st infitada. SPIEGEL Interview with Author David Grossman: 'Foreigners Cannot Understand the Israelis' Vulnerability' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

YouTube - Rachel Corrie - Interview

The israeli soldiers refused to call the boat The Rachel Corrie. Instead they called it Linda, it's old painted over name. Rachel was murdered by a bulldozer in Palestine, no one has served jail time, and they won't even grant the respect of saying her name. This is israel. YouTube - Rachel Corrie - Interview

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas' Unfortunate Remarks, Noted Sadly

Helen Thomas' Unfortunate Remarks, Noted Sadly Another one bites the dust. Any Press person who is smart, honest, and know how to think on their feet and then interpret the big picture is getting bumped off one after the other. So sad for America.

Monday, June 7, 2010

US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children' - Telegraph

US cluster bombs 'killed 35 women and children' - Telegraph

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla | World news | The Guardian

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla World news The Guardian

Exodus 21:13 (NASB) - Bible.Logos.com

Exodus 21:13 (NASB) - Bible.Logos.com interesting rules on slavery by the egyptian jew, Moses. take each rule a line at a time. Are these the rules of a compassionate God, or of a man brought up in a society of men, where slavery was normal. Personal insight rare. Revenge all-pervading. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.....a 'say what???"

George E. Bisharat: Israel Is Committing War Crimes - WSJ.com

old news that is sadly current and highly relevant. we need to learn the old tricks so we can learn some new ones. George E. Bisharat: Israel Is Committing War Crimes - WSJ.com The sins of the fathers will be visited on the sons...until the sons say, I will put a stop to these sins, so my sons will not have to suffer from them.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gerald M. Steinberg: The New War Against Israel - WSJ.com

Gerald M. Steinberg: The New War Against Israel - WSJ.com This article is an example of a scared little people. He is a Political Science teacher, who does not seem to know the history of the United States and the Native Americans....or even the history of the jews in concentration camps, enough to understand that this is a land grab as were many others in history. What does he teach his class? Land is stolen from an entire nation and yet the indians are the terrorists. And he quotes the Israelis who's information has been admitted to be a fake. People love to hate. Mr. Steinberg is one of those people.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Aid Vessel Rachel Corrie to be Confronted by Israeli Navy | CafeSentido.com

Aid Vessel Rachel Corrie to be Confronted by Israeli Navy | CafeSentido.com

Jeffrey St. Clair: When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty

Sen. McCains father was put the Liberty in jeopardy and then was part of the coverup. Jeffrey St. Clair: When Israel Attacked the USS Liberty This article colors McNamara as a machine of misinformation and cover-ups in this attack and the Vietnam war. Reminiscent of Rumsfield/Bush the war machine pushes on. They pin medals on dead soldiers so no one will ask question like "Why did they die?" could it have been avoided, did it really make the world safer..... Or was it a bunch of big assed brass playing soldier on the chessboard of life, not caring who lives or dies as long as it isn't them.

Lawrence of Cyberia: Putting Names To Faces

Lawrence of Cyberia: Putting Names To Faces Making it personal. These are the assassinated. Faces and links to more information. Israel might otherwise be know as "Murder Incorporated" USS Liberty. Munich, killing of all the wrong people. Who else have they murdered and no one is telling?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shayana Kadidal: Senator Lieberman's Latest Constitutional Buffoonery

Unfortunately nothing these days should be brushed aside as ridiculous.  We are the nation that elected George Bush (baby) twice and Sara Palin almost once.   Don't be arrogant about this, the minions are growing stronger and taking power.  This is the country that kidnaps, tortures and gives
multi milllion dollar bonuses to people who have SUNK a company, we seem to take our buffoonery seriously.  Shayana Kadidal: Senator Lieberman's Latest Constitutional Buffoonery

What If 9/11 Never Happened? -- New York Magazine

caught by the twin name of "what if"....skimmed through this article from 2006 which referred to Joe Lieberman as a miserable deluded putz...which made me like the article immediately. if they only knew then....What If 9/11 Never Happened? -- New York Magazine . I've seen one episode of a tv show called "Flash Forward" very quantum for all the what iffers in the world. Hopefull there are herds of Why notters, as the world is very literally going to hell in a handbasket. Peace a Chance? why not and what if?

Rendition Drug

old news that is pertinent today with Afghanistan supplying trillions of dollars in Opium/heroin trade. Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"IF OUR GOAL IS TO DESTROY PUBLIC EDUCATION IN AMERICA, THIS IS PRECISELY THE RIGHT PATH." On the coat tails of Diane Ravitch's article (linked below) I will add my concern? disbelief? sad resignation? I voted for Obama, for an intelligent, progressive thinking Harvard man. Not someone who would extending the Bush agenda of Dumbing down the education system. And yet this is what Higher Education has taught him. That it is better to continue the legacy of making schools "simpler" so no child can be left behind, than to give a child a broad awareness of a world he is about to encounter. The result of our present school system is that students at Princeton don't know there is a wall in Palestine, and Harvard Presidents don't know anything about good education. The best thing for Corporate America, government control, monopolizing private sector is a dumber America. Hooray for the U, S of A. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DAYS WHEN A GOOD TEACHER WAS ONE WHO TAUGHT YOU TO THINK FOR YOURSELF? To explore other possibilities. To search for more than just what the classroom had to offer? Well bye bye higher education. We have bailed out millionaires, while allowing teachers to be fired, libraries to close. Perhaps if they had been taught ethics, history, and simple social responsibility rather than the simple mathematics of how to get a bonus even though you've sunk a company....perhaps people in 'the greatest nation' would not be jobless, homeless and still thinking the government is daddy always looking out for their best interest. Perhaps we would be a truly great nation made up of truly great thinkers. The Big Idea -- it's bad education policy - Los Angeles Times

Friday, April 16, 2010

Israeli "Diplomacy"

Ms. Gabriela Shalev Israel Ambassador to the U.N. Speaks of Terrorism as 'asymetric warfare'. She states that there is 'licit and illicit warfare'. Does Israels use of white phosphorus on civilians involve 'licit' warfare? Gaza War Casualties - Final Tally of 2009 Gaza War Casualties (Facts and Figures) She went on to speak of human sheilds....and 12,000 rockets fired by Gaza. Those rockets were not much more than firecrackers that did in fact kill less than 20 Israelis. Compare that to the 250 children, 960 civilians killed in 22 days by Israel. Not to mention wounded children, women, elderly. Medics fired upon etc. In such a densely populated Ghetto how could a combatant escape the vicinity of civilians I would ask? Ms Shalev indignantly speaks of "at best uncooberated accusations" against Israel. She says "they confuse the language to demonize Israel" and how "our army is so dear to us". She speaks of the doctor who was killed by "Friendly Fire" and of "self introspection. And the the 'diplomat' Shalev states "The General assembly is always, always against Israel" I believe she said "mainly liberals" (she has a thick accent) and at this point made quotes with her hands. She says these things with an air of indignation. On being questioned by a student on the Goldstone Report and how it was eventually voted against, although an independent study. Shalev stated "The Moral Minority was against the Goldstone Resolution" and that is should not be in NYC. When asked about settlements in Jerusalem, she stated ' Jerusalem was never on the table, it will always be a part of Israel" When I referred to her saying we are demonized due to "uncorroborated evidence" and how can there be corroberated evidence if you do not allow the press in.......her response was "We have looked around the world and decided War Is Not A Place for Press". I gave a gasping involuntary outburst throwing my hands up in a gesture of 'what the heyyyy?'. And she did sigh in resignation that it might not be the best answer. But I assumed it was the answer agreed upon by the powers that be, and after all she is corporate lawyer mouthpiece of her country. I forget the question but a response was about how after these 'wars' there is a Special Compound set up by Israel in order to tackle grievances about how the military behaved. Interestingly enough these testimonies are heard by the military. Fox - Hen house ring a bell? All in all she seems to feel that Israel is the only country who knows Diplomacy and therefore states that in order to negotiate there must be "No preconditions". hmmmm 'illegal settlements'......guess they would no longer exist?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. appearance at Woodrow Wilson School of Law, Princeton, March 2010.  How can we analyze a Nations motives by those they choose as their negotiators?  What are their backgrounds Gabriela Shalev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To quote Ms. Shalev during her speech; "I AM NOT SPEAKING AS A VERY EDUCATED DIPLOMAT".  In fact her expertise is in corporate law, a branch of law used to find loopholes for large corporations to get what they want.  Not necessarily what is best for humanity at large.

As Ms. Shalev is representative to the U.N. I found it odd that a "diplomat" would publicly show disgust at being seated next to the Ambassador from Lebanon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nawaf_Salam Dr.Nawaf Salam who is, in fact, educated in diplomacy.   In fact she said, You see what I have to deal with.  I always had this child like fantasy that Ambassadors and Diplomats were the tolerant, friendship offering, mediators. Sent forth into this world to dispel intolerance and misunderstandings.   My bad.

For this post I am that hoping anyone out there will consider why Israel has a corporate lawyer in this position as negotiator for the Uniting of Nations rather than a broad thinking Statesman, who's main goal is ethical resolution.  Could it be the related interpretation of diplomacy, linking the meaning to cunning, circumvention, backdoor influence, strategist, crafty wheeling and dealing ? (little help for Mr. Roget).
to be continued

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Bad Day For Democracy

Corporate funding of Politicians http://www.ncpolicywatch.com/ discussion today as Citizens United, through a Supreme Court ruling bring in the opportunity for corporations, in Citizens words "to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security" as Citizens United state as their goal "To restore the founding fathers vision of a free nation, guided by the honesty, common sense, and good will of its citizens". If these are "Christian values" the Christian Science Monitor refers to this ruling as " A Bad Day for Democracy". "SOVEREIGNTY" definition: supreme power, especially over a body politic: controlling influence. Sovereignty this is the word Citizens uses. If we cut and paste; Supreme Power of Corporations? Is this the vision of our founding fathers? I would encourage the investigation of the history of large corporations and their "means" of becoming "large". How we built the United States is at once impressive in it's magnitude and shameful in it's disregard for human life and freedom. What will our future as a nation of rights of the individual become if the mighty power of corporations are allowed to overshadow the voices of the censored many. The "silent majority" some say composed of soccer moms and Nascar dads might or might not research away from Fox news, but they do trust in the system without always questioning. Republican friends of mine are sure that if someone is harassed by the police (i.e.Republican National convention etc), they must have done something wrong. The second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence poetically states:
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it....
And so we allow ourselves the comfortable convenience of being told what to think, how to vote, and who we should consider to be our enemies. And now we put that in the hands of those who get "bailed out" when they screw up , who consider the bottom line by cutting jobs and quality, who withhold medical benefits at will, this is who our Supreme Court has entrusted through the power of money with our sovereignty.
Comments at today's talk: Senator Quinn asks, "how can I gain access to public airways". I thought a grand question as we will will come into the realm of Superbowl ads for Palin for Pres.
Also mentioned was Washington post survey that states 80% of the public are against Corporations funding Politics. Citizens U counter this claim stating another survey which states 67% are for it. does only God know for sure? Another highlight, Washington State has voted to not only have the Sponsor of the ad identified, but also the Top 5 Donors (does anyone stick around for the credits?)
Matching funds and rescue money....better than nothing....who pays for this? seems a lot like "damage control" rather than informing the public about policies. Brenda Wright the main speaker stated that we have a 100 year history of barring corporations from having major influence (although we all know they do have major influence) and asks if the Founding Fathers would consider the corporations to have the same rights as individuals....consider they were willing to go to battle with the corporation of the British Crown, my guess would be not, but it's quite an interesting conversation. I would encourage all to google, bing, or whatever as much information as they have the stomach for, before making the statement "I believe..."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I have not written for a long while. It seems that the world goes on whether I write or not. Gaza has been destroyed, Presidents elected, billion dollar scams exposed....and yet the world rotates whether I write or not. Merrily, merrily, merrily......life is but a dream. So I will dream. Perhaps of a world without war. Perhaps with an acceptance that not everyone wants peace. And the mirrors flash by. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself, often times I miss it, or forget that I saw. But most of all I must see the joy in the DANCE.

Friday, February 1, 2008

# 1 Terrorists?

What is the difference between a genocidal maniac and a diplomat?http://www.globalpolicy.org/intljustice/wanted/kissingerindex.htm
What is the difference between fighting for peace and negotiating a peaceful solution? How can one man be behind so many personal assaults against everything "human" we think we stand for. What if we are not thinking about it enough. In the link to your right "Dalai Lama Renaissance" a speaker says, who were those people that watched the trains go by. The trains full of humans going to concentrations camps. And we all think we would not be one of them. The silent. Just watching as neighbors are railed away in cattle cars to their death.
The speaker asks if "we are not now sitting silently by as people are rolling into mass graves". Serbia, Cambodia (The Killing Fields), South America, Africa, Palestine, Iraq, Tieneman Sq, Timor, Sudan .....blah, blah, blah...too much to pay attention?
We prefer to watch CSI. Individuals graphically shown with their throats cut. Flashbacks to their violent rapes. Speculation about motive, how to's...'Clue', just your average board game in 3d. We call it relaxing, entertainment, fun. Graphic depictions that 10 years ago would have shocked. Personally, I'd rather see a rounded breast. I turn away in horror at the scenes I see on Prime Time T.V., much like folks used to do in past ages at real life photos of Vietnam.
Are we being trained to see the blood and gore depicted to get us used to our future, as a warring nation? What if the movie TOYS, with Robin Williams was right? All toys, tv shows, (gladiators, CSI...) was simply our training ground for perpetual genocide and war? Spooky? I think so.
Far fetched? I just ask you to question your heart. What is it that causes you to find others sorrow and tortures, entertaining and relaxing??
Just ask yourself. and then consider;
Are our governmental representatives for peace, representing respect for the human race. Are we sitting watching the death trains going by as entertainment or are we actively speaking out. Or at the very least, giving 10 minutes of our very concious time. Not a 1 minute prayer as I lay me down to sleep....although a 60 second commercial is higher priced than a 10 second....so, hey sound bytes are better than no bites.....I guess.
What if inside every demon there is an angel struggling
to be free

Thursday, December 27, 2007

More peaceful Bil'in

Palestinian eyes smiling and stealing your heart away http://www.myspace.com/occupation101

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Refugee Forever

While the city of Jenin has been a refugee camp for over 50 years...amounting to Palestinians being refugees in their own country, the village of Bil'in has been staging peaceful demonstrations for 2 1/2 years, hoping to prevent the destruction of their village as the Great Wall of Israel bulldozes it's way through their homes and olive trees. The residents of Bil'in have remarkably held their course of non-violence, with courage and integrity as
Israeli soldiers and machinery ravage their land and lives.
They have been staging peaceful protests hoping to keep their village from being destroyed, and in so doing serve as a positive inspiration for many faced with the same plight. Unfortunately parts of Palestine and Israel do not recieve all of the news, all of the time. Images of Bil'in, research yourself http://www.bilin-village.org/

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Banyan Tree

What if we turned this topsy turvy upside down world back up right then everyone would be having vertigo This blog is about evolution, about exploring why we keep doing the same thing, over and over and over again. The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the sons. What if the sons started doing things differently than their fathers? What if war was not the way to peace, after all. What if a leopard could change it's spots??? What if the fish could crawl onto land. Evolution. What if man could love his brother, and his sister. What if.

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